About Us

In the 1970s, Elkhart Community Schools (ECS) saw that there was a need for students 18 and older to have a place to go to study for their High School Equivalency Diploma, (HSE).

Through the ups and downs of the ensuing years, the program grew, changed, and developed into one of the top-rated programs in the state of Indiana.

In  2011, the state of Indiana moved adult education from the Department of Education to the Department of Workforce Development (DWD). With that came a comprehensive and integrated regional approach to both Adult Education and WorkOne services. ECS has created a strong working partnership with our local WorkOne center to offer a variety of short-term certification programs and other employment assistance.

Another result of the move to DWD, ECS Adult Education expanded its offerings to include college preparation remediation, Accuplacer preparation, career and college planning, in addition to  instruction for students who wish to improve their skills to keep their existing jobs or to seek a better position.

Classes are free of charge. Students must call 574-262-5678 for orientation and testing before they can go to a study site.  All materials used are designed specifically for adults. 

So what does that mean for you?

  • We offer free classes for adults that are interested in attaining an HSE diploma, improving basic skills, learning English as a second language, or attaining training and certifications in workforce preparation skills.
  • Our classes are located in convenient locations, during both day and evening hours.
  • An experienced, Indiana licensed instructor that specializes in Adult Education is at every location.
  • Students will receive a mixture of one-on-one, small and large group instruction in all subject areas.
  • Instruction is based on the student’s individual Adult Learning Plan, developed with the instructor alongside the student.
  • Completion time of the program varies by individual student.
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