Basic Welding

Start Date:
      February 7, 2022

End Date: 
       May 9, 2022

Class Fee:


Classes will meet Mondays
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
ETI Building Rm. 126
2510 California Rd. Elkhart, IN 46514

Welding equipment listed below needs to come on the first night of class. If you do not have the required equipment the instructor will have some available for purchase. 

Class Information

  •    Students will learn basic fundamentals of 1G, 2G, 1F and 2F positions. You will be introduced to stick arc welding, GTAW (TIG), GMAW-S and Spray (MIG), FCAU, Oxytocin’s-Acetylene cutting/welding (OAW)/Brazing and plasma arc cutting (PAC). Students will be taught different welding techniques and how to weld Low Carbon Steel and Aluminum Alloys, read blueprints and interpret weld symbols. 
  • Students must arrive to class on time and remain on task. Time management skills are a must in this course. 
  • Students are required to provide safety glasses, protective clothing (long sleeved shirt, long pants, close toed shoes or boots) and welding gloves.

For any questions please call 574-262-5678 and ask for John Kraus

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