High School Equivalency (HSE) Classes
**Formerly known as the GED. In 2014 the state of Indiana moved away from the GED and adopted the HSE or High School Equivalency program. An HSE diploma will open the same doors and present the same opportunities as the GED has for students in the past.
Classes are offered two different times of day, Monday through Thursday. You will find more information on our classes and how to register below.
If you or the person you are hoping to register is NOT YET 18, please read the SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS section below carefully.

Steps to Enroll in classes:
1. Look at the times offered below and decide which class works best for you.
Day Time Classes
Located at Elkhart High School Freshman Division – Door #27
Monday – Thursday
9 am – 1 pm
After an orientation where students are given a skills assessment, instructors will work with students to create a plan that will help them reach their goal of passing the High School Equivalency exam as quickly as possible.
Evening Classes
Located at Elkhart High School Freshman Division – Door #27
Monday – Thursday
6 pm – 8 pm
After an orientation where students are given a skills assessment, instructors will work with students to create a plan that will help them reach their goal of passing the High School Equivalency exam as quickly as possible.
2. Register for an ORIENTATION.
The first step to enrolling in our classes is to register for an ORIENTATION. Attending an orientation is MANDATORY.
Please call 574-262-5678 to register. Official orientation dates will be given at the time of registration. Orientation times will correspond with the class time you register for. The registration period for the month is open until all of the seats are filled or the Friday before orientation begins, whichever comes first. Seats are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you or the person you are trying to register is under 18 please read the SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS section below.
When registering you will be asked the following information. If you are helping another individual register please have their information ready.
*Class choice *Full Legal Name * Street Address *Phone Number *Type of photo ID *Birthdate *Does the person have a Social Security Card?
3. Attend ALL DAYS of your scheduled orientation.
As stated above attendance at EVERY DAY of orientation is mandatory. Please put the dates in your calendar and set reminders.
Orientation is important because during this process students will complete a basic assessment of academic skills that instructors will use to determine the students’ starting point. They will also determine a student’s learning style, all in the hopes of helping the student achieve success on the HSE test as soon as possible.
Teachers will give students class information at the end of the orientation period. PLEASE remember your photo ID and Social Security card (if you have one) on the first day of orientation.
Program Policies:
Attendance: Students will sign an attendance agreement stating that they plan to attend class everyday or evening it is offered. After six unexcused absences, a student may lose their seat in the class. If this happens, a student is welcome to seek re-enrollment at a later date. Students must report all absences to the instructor prior to missing class accompanied by a valid excuse.
Behavior: This is an adult program, and adult behavior is expected. Rude and disrespectful words and actions toward staff or fellow students will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity, the student may be removed from our program. Removal may be temporary or permanent and is based on the discretion of program administrators.
Communication with Instructor: Please let your instructor know if you are struggling with your studies or have issues hindering your class attendance. The instructors are here to support you!
Class Arrival/Departure: Students are expected to arrive at class on time and remain until the end of class or be dismissed by the instructor.
Dress Code: Students are to dress appropriately for a work setting when coming to class. (Sagging pants, pajamas, slippers, hats, low cut or midriff showing tops, etc., are all inappropriate for class.) No hoods are worn in class.
Cell Phone Usage: Students are to turn off or silence their cell phones during class time. If there is an emergency call, please communicate the situation with your instructor and step outside of the classroom.
Special Requirements:
- Students as young as 16 may join the program but will need to take some extra steps before being approved. Please read the following carefully and have the appropriate information before making your appointment.
The student must have a completed exit interview form from their home high school. This says the student has been officially exited from the school and is no longer receiving services.
The student or a guardian should then call our office at 574-262-5678 to schedule an appointment with our intake specialist. That appointment will take place here in our office. The student AND guardian must both be present for this meeting. Please be sure to bring photo IDs for both parties, and the exit interview form to your meeting.
AFTER that appointment our intake specialist will make arrangements for the student to be registered for classes.
- ALL individuals must be a resident of Indiana with a valid photo ID and social security card. If the photo ID is from another state, the individual will need to produce an official piece of mail/documentation (rental agreement, utility bill, bank statement, etc.) with an Indiana address.
- If an individual is removed due to behavior issues, program staff reserve the right to reassess if the student will be allowed to return after a mandatory waiting period.